Friday, August 19, 2016

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain

If there was ever a quote I would have held onto when starting the girls home "Ecuador Hope House" ten years ago, this may have been it.  One day, I would love to sit down and tell you all about how the girls home came about.  It is a fascinating story to say the least!  However, I do remember when it all started, there was fear in my bones as we "sailed away from the safe harbor" of our comfortable lives as missionaries in the jungle, planting churches and just doing missions day to day the best we knew how.  

Sailing away from our safe what we did.  It was no easy task embarking on that new adventure and especially on one where we quickly couldn't see the shoreline.  Yet, there was a something more!
We knew that the Lord had called us to something so much bigger, it was by no coincidence that everything was happening the way it was.  God had given us a dream, we didn't know how but we knew...God.

This month, we celebrate ten years as the Ecuador Hope House!  It has been one of the scariest, craziest, most amazing adventures of my life.  During ten years, we have had nearly a hundred girls come through the home, many girls graduate high school, several girls accepted into University with scholarships, one girl become a Missionary to a sensitive country on the other side of the world, but more than anything....all given hope.  
I can say that after ten years, I am not disappointed by throwing off the bowlines.  It has not been easy but it has been worth it!  

Will you Pray?
Will you GIVE hope?  Will you pray with us for this next school year and for the 42 girls that will be with us?  We not only need your prayers, we count on them! 
We also ask you to consider being a Friend of the Hope House.  We cannot do this without prayer and we cannot do this without financial support!

Consider making a one time or monthly (tax deductible) contribution on our secure giving site.  (see the GIVE tab on for secure donations) or CLICK TO GIVE HOPE NOW

Thank you for being part of the adventure!

*Photo Credit Caitlin Emfinger, Missionary/ Photographer